Brianna: Today we got up very early - aaagaaain. We jumped into the car and headed to Byron Bay to see my cousin Sundara and great Aunt Mary, as well as Moms friend Susan. When we got there we got hot chips. We walked over to the park, played on the playground for a while and then got to go and play in the sand.

We made a mermaid tail for Sophie (I did it myself and I thought it was extraordinary). Then Mom came down to take some photos and said we could go in the water even though Michael had told us not to
(makes for better photo's apparently - Ed). And then I caught a wave and went flying down towards Mom who was back on the shore. Finally we got some fish and chips and went up to the lighthouse to eat them, before driving back home (and again fell asleep in the car).
Thank you Winston for the note -we haven't been to Pizza Hutt but we'd like to try.
Carter:I liked getting wet in the waves. I liked running in the sand. I liked making the sand into mist
(i.e. throwing sand into the wind). Chasing the birdies was fun.

Sophie: This morning Carleen dragged us out of bed early as we were just getting used to sleeping in late. We grabbed our pre-packed bags and set off for Byron Bay. It was a long drive and we played I Spy. We had snacks and when we got there we met Carleen's cousin and aunt at the cafe. We had delicious lemonade, chips and wedges. Then we went down to the beach. We made made sand turtles, and we made each other into mermaids. Then we went body surfing. It was lots of fun, and then we brought some fish and chips to the lighthouse and had a picnic. I had delicious fish bites and yummy chips. We all fell asleep in the car on the way home and were worn out by the time we got back.
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