And I liked the food I had at the sushi train (I liked pudding).
Brianna: Today we got up ridiculously early and then we were playing in our room and the adults got really ticked off and came into our room and said be quiet. Michael had to take us down to the lounge and put on the tv and then we got a hot cocoa. We went swimming and Mummy was taking some photo's of us. And we were acting all sunbathy for the photos. It was really fun because mum had us jump into the pool and spread out like we were doing star jumps so we got some pretty cool photo's.
Then we went out to lunch to sushi train. When we went in we sat down in front of a conveyer belt with yummy sushi and you just grabbed whatever you wanted. There was pudding and jelly and it was really yummy. And when the chefs got new food they had just made and put it out on the conveyer they went "Woooo" and say these weird japanese words.
Me and Sophie were so full after sushi train we fell asleep in the car on the way to see the Koalas. When we got to the Koala place I spotted a kookabara in the tree. I like their patterns, they're very pretty and kind of look like Kingfishers. And then we walked into the koala sancturary and we saw three Koalas. They were really cute and fuzzy and moved from one tree to another and kept grabbing branches to eat and it looked like it was going to fall off.
Sophie: We bounded out of bed of the crack of dawn and had some delicious milo and scrambled eggs. Then we sped over to the pool. It was lots of fun splashing and sunbathing with Brianna. Then Carleen did a photo shoot with us. And Bri was slightly posy (almost as much as Sophie - Ed.). Afterwards we went to Sushi Train. I didn't think I was going to like it because I don't like sushi. But I managed to find something delictable. And for dessert I had light fluffy chocolate mousse.
Feeling very full and tired, we drove down to Daisy Hill Koala sanctuary. Me and Bri fell asleep in the car, and had to be woken up. Sadly Dad did not take directions from our loving step mother and got us lost again (hang on - I was following Gran! - Ed.) When we finally enetered the kola santuary, the only way to describe my feelings would be...supercalifragilisticexpealadocious.
I did a quiz on koalas and I got 4 out of 5. We saw the koala eating and it was cute because it would reach it's tiny arm out and grab the branch. And I liked it could lean forward so far without falling off. We drove home and had a relaxing night updating the blog.
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